24 results for keyword "EV"
Shandong independents' run rates rally after eleven weeks of drops
03-05-2025 19:12:25 -
State-owned refinery run rates increase, seventh week in a row
01-24-2025 10:38:28 -
China INE crude price remains elevated
01-14-2025 18:50:01 -
CNOOC brings another oilfield development project on stream
01-08-2025 14:48:39 -
China's crude runs drop on year for seven consecutive months
11-15-2024 11:50:55 -
CNOOC starts up China’s first deepwater oilfield secondary development project
09-25-2024 16:12:02 -
Sinopec revises down its crude throughput plan for 2024
08-27-2024 15:43:06 -
CNOOC Huizhou achieves record-high crude throughput
07-19-2024 15:34:44 -
Chinese companies win ten bids to develop Iraq oil and gas
05-15-2024 17:47:22 -
Sinopec’s crude throughput grows 6.29% in 2023: unaudited preview
03-06-2024 18:50:02 -
China INE crude price rallies after IEA revises up demand forecast
01-19-2024 18:19:36 -
China INE crude price rallies after IEA revises up oil demand forecast
12-15-2023 19:32:30 -
Independents’ crude refining margins drop for seven weeks in a row
11-01-2023 18:00:46 -
Diluted bitumen imports return to normal level
08-29-2023 18:55:59 -
Independents’ crude refining margins rally on higher sales revenue
07-19-2023 18:39:09 -
Review of major events in China oil market in 2022 (2)
12-26-2022 15:48:41 -
Shenghong achieves mass production at new refinery
12-06-2022 18:55:51 -
Independents’ refining margins slump as sales revenue dives
12-01-2022 12:03:46 -
Shandong independents’ run rates drop for seven weeks in a row
11-30-2022 18:49:53 -
Shandong independents’ run rates rebound after seven weeks of drops
09-07-2022 19:04:22